Hiya Review 2025 – Are Hiya Vitamins Safe? [Read Before Buy]

Every parent wants to ensure that their kids get sufficient nutrients, but it's not as simple as I'm saying. According to research, almost 350 million children worldwide don't get enough nutrients from vegetables and fruit.

As children are picky eaters, they don't get the proper nutrition diet, which causes malnutrition, diseases, and physical problems.

In such cases, Vitamin tablets can fill the gap in nutrition. Now, the question is from the vast number of vitamins which one should you go for?

To get the answer, read this Hiya review. Here, I will show you the most appropriate vitamin tablets for your toddlers.


Hiya Review

Buy Now
Where to order Hiya Vitamins

Hiya is a subscription-based children’s vitamin service provider that delivers natural and sugar-less Hiya vitamins. The reason behind its immense popularity is it contains all the necessary minerals and nutrition that your children need in their diet.

Safety 10
Value for Money 10
Ease of Use 9
  • It’s made of fresh and organic fruit and vegetables.
  • The tablet is naturally sweetened with monk fruit.
  • Free of harmful drugs and preservatives.
  • Need to subscribe to the monthly subscription plan
  • A bit pricey.

Quick Summary – Hiya Review

Hiya vitamins ReviewMost of the children don’t take proper diet. As a result, they don’t get the necessary vitamins and nutrition for the betterment of their health. To fulfill the gap of these nutritious, different types of vitamins and supplements are available in the market. And, the saddest thing is most of the vitamins available in the market are full of toxic chemicals and preservatives.

After researching the available vitamins in the market, Darren Litt and Adam Gillman, two dads, invented the Hiya multivitamin. They have studied for more than three years with a group of pediatricians, scientists, and nutritionists to develop this multivitamin.

The best part of the Hiya supplement is it uses twelve fruits and vegetables with no sugar. And, the taste of the Hiya vitamin is very delicious, kids love it, and they want to have it just like chocolate.

Hiya Review – My Honest Opinion

Hiya vitamins honest ReviewI’m a father of two children, and I know how frustrating things become when children don’t take a proper diet. My five-year-old daughter and three-year-old son are picky eaters, and because of this, they aren’t getting the required nutrition and vitamins for their healthy growth.

I have consulted with a doctor regarding this matter, and he suggests giving vitamin supplements to my children. I gave my children a lot of vitamins of different brands, and none of them were effective. So I was looking for a good quality vitamin supplement and finally discovered the Hiya multivitamin.

It’s the only vitamin my children are willingly taking because of its delicious taste. I’ve been giving my children this multivitamin for almost 11 months, and it’s superb. My children’s growth and their health become perfect as they should be. Below in this Hiya review, I’ll share my honest opinion about this supplement.

What Are Hiya Health Vitamins?

What Are Hiya Health VitaminsHiya is a subscription-based children's vitamin service provider that delivers natural and sugar-less Hiya vitamins. The reason behind its immense popularity is it contains all the necessary minerals and nutrition that your children need in their diet. All the nutrition it carries is sourced from organic fruits and vegetables, so there is no extra junk or fillers.

Hiya Vitamin was invented by two fathers, Daren and Adam. They got inspired to invent it after seeing that the market is full of unhealthy vitamins. Most of the vitamins available in the market are similar to sugar candy with no health benefits.

Therefore, they decided to make the Hiya chewable vitamins with all-natural fruits and vegetables.

After collaborating with pediatricians, scientists, and nutrition, they formulated this masterpiece. Hiya vitamins contain 15 essential vitamins and minerals crucial for boosting immunity, concentration, mood, and overall body growth.

Why Do You Need This Food Supplement?

Why Do You Need This Food SupplementIf your kids are not getting a balanced diet, then a food supplement is the best thing that can help a lot. But getting an ideal food supplement is not word of mouth; you have to do proper research to get the right one for your children. If you're looking for the best food supplement for your kids, go for the Hiya health vitamins.

It's one of the latest natural multivitamin tablets developed by pediatricians, scientists, and nutritionists. More than 15 vitamins, nutrition, and minerals consist of each of the Hiya vitamin tablets that fulfill your child's nutrition gaps.

Most importantly, all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrition you are getting from Hiya vitamin are sourced from organic fruits and vegetables. The manufacturer uses monk fruit to sweeten the tablet without using any artificial sugar naturally.

Benefits Of Hiya Vitamins

benefits of Hiya vitaminsBefore coming to this stage, Hiya Vitamins have to pass many trials and tests to prove their effectiveness. The inventors of this vitamin have worked together with the top pediatricians to make this multivitamin tablet for children.

Every nutrition, mineral, and vitamin that it contains comes from natural fruits and vegetables. It uses 12 natural fruits and vegetables that give outstanding taste, vitamins, and health benefits.

Children love Hiya vitamin as they love to eat chocolate. Each tablet of Hiya vitamin contains 12-15 essential minerals and vitamins that protect your children from sickness and help in their overall growth.

Your child will get multiple vitamin and nutrition benefits with every single Hiya tablet. The immunity system of your children will increase if they consume a tablet per day. It will develop muscle, cells, and overall growth of your children.

Along with physical wellness, it also forms the psychological part. In addition, vitamins play a significant role in a healthy mood and concentration span.

Made Of Organic Foods And Veggies

Hiya vitamin is made of 12 organic fruits and vegetables. Your child will get more than 15 vitamins, nutrition, and minerals from this chewable tablet. All the vitamins and nutrients are sourced from natural fruits and veggies.

And, they are freshly collected from the firms and then blended into this sweet vitamin tablet with the help of modern science.

Naturally Sweetened

Although Hiya is a vitamin tablet, it’s sweeter and more delicious than chocolate. That’s what attracts the children to consume it willingly. To sweeten the tablet, Hiya doesn’t use any added sugar. Instead, it uses monk fruit, such as topical melon, which is a hundred times sweeter than sugar.

The vitamin also contains a portion of mannitol, other natural sweetener strawberries, pumpkins, etc.

Vitamins In Chewable Form

Hiya vitamin tablets come in chewable form, just like sweet candy. Little children love it very much because of its delicious taste. Most of them consider the vitamin a sweet candy, and its chewable form attracts them very much.

Reusable Glass Bottle

Hiya vitamin comes with a reusable glass bottle which is a good sign for the betterment of the environment. Because of this facility, you don’t have to purchase a plastic container every month.

When you order Hiya for the first time, the company will send you the supplements in a glass bottle, and the consequent monthly supplies are available in a no-plastic refill pouch.

Hiya Vitamin Is Fun

As the Hiya vitamin is for children, it’s designed funnily and attractively to attract the children. Hiya comes with a glass bottle and stickers that allow the kids to personalize their bottles. Thus, taking vitamins becomes fun and enjoyable for kids when it’s a Hiya vitamin.

Pros And Cons Of Hiya Vitamins

Want to get the Hiya supplements for your child? Read the following pros and cons first. It will help you to understand at a glance whether this is the proper vitamin for your child or not.

What do I like About Hiya Vitamins?
  • Hiya vitamin comes in a chewable form, so the vitamin is not going to stick on kids’ teeth like gummy vitamins.
  • It’s made of fresh and organic fruit and vegetables.
  • The tablet is naturally sweetened with monk fruit.
  • Free of harmful drugs and preservatives.
  • Come with a reusable glass container in eco-friendly packaging.
Other Things To Consider
  • Need to subscribe to the monthly subscription plan
  • A bit pricey.

Hiya Vitamins Ingredients

Hiya Vitamins Ingredients chartHiya Vitamins are enriched with lots of Vitamins and essential minerals. It fulfills the demand of all the nutrition for your child to boost the immunity system and assist in bone formation.

Every ingredient it contains plays a vital role in keeping your children healthy. Have a look at the following elements to understand the effectiveness of this Hiya vitamin.

Vitamin A – It helps boost immunity and is an essential vitamin for the eyes and cells of our body.

Vitamin C– It works as a safeguard against disease attacks and is also helpful for developing immunity.

Vitamin D – Vitamin D helps strengthen our bones and supports the immune system.

Vitamin E – Vitamin E is an excellent supplement for improving your immune system. It’s also essential for the heart’s wellness and your vision ability.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) – It’s necessary for quality sleep, improving concentration, and developing mood.

Riboflavin – Riboflavin is essential for strengthening the cells and freshening the body.

Folic acid (B9) – Helps grow new cells and strengthen them.

Biotin (B7) – A vital element for the growth of skin and cells.

Vitamin B12– It reduces stress and helps enjoy a sound sleep.

B5 (Pantothenic acid) – Develop sleep, concentration, and boost energy.

Iodine – An essential element for developing the functionality of the thyroid gland.

Calcium – Strengthen the bones and keep them healthy.

Zinc – Enhances the immunity system and works in quick recovery from infections, cuts, etc.

Manganese – It supports metabolism and assists with inflammation.

Selenium – It’s suitable for developing sleep and mood and aid with inflammation.

Every single tablet of the Hiya vitamin is perfectly balanced, and one tablet is capable of fulfilling all the nutrition and minerals needs for your child. But remember, eating multiple pills may cause overdosing. So make sure your children don’t take more than one tablet per day.

A study on this tablet shows that children love to take more than one tablet because of its pleasant taste. The Hiya vitamin comprises 12 fresh organic vegetables and fruit; it gives a delightful flavor and sweetness that attracts the children to eat it like chocolates.

Hiya Vitamin Reviews from Users

When I heard about the Hiya Vitamin for the first time, I had started to study the reviews and feedback from different users to understand its effectiveness. Under this section, I'll include some of the user's feedback that’ll give you a real-life experience of this vitamin tablet.Hiya Vitamin Reviews from Users Hiya Vitamin Reviews from customers

Where can I order Hiya Vitamins?

Where to order Hiya VitaminsWell, If you decide to purchase Hiya Vitamins for your kids, you have indeed made the best decision for them. Getting Hiya vitamins is very simple when you order from the manufacturer's website. Otherwise, there is a chance of getting an identical product as the market is full of fake products with the same frame and package.

Ordering the product from a manufacturer authorized website will ensure that you get the original product directly from the manufacturer's hand.

Besides that, you'll get the shipping charge-free by ordering the product from the manufacturer's website.

Follow the link below to visit the Hiya website and get the original Hiya multivitamin for your child.

FAQ for Hiya Vitamin Reviews

There might be a lot of questions in your mind about this Hiya vitamin tablet. Have a look at the Hiya review FAQ section to get most of the answers to your queries.

Do Kids Need Vitamins?

Your child's nutrition needs can be fulfilled by eating fresh fruit and vegetables. But there are some kids, especially picky eaters, who don't take a blanched diet. Therefore, they didn't get the daily required protein and minerals. For those types of children, vitamins are essential to fill the gap in nutrition.

How Many Chewable Tablets Does My Child Need To Take A Day?

If your children take Hiya vitamin, they don't need to take more than one tablet in a day. Like other regular vitamins, it doesn't require multiple doses. One dose of Hiya vitamin can fulfill all the nutrition and mineral requirements of your child.

Are These Appropriate For Both Boys And Girls?

The nutrition profile for both boys and girls is equal when they are children. Therefore, this vitamin tablet can fulfill all the nutrition of boys and girls.

What Ages Are These Vitamins Designed For?

Hiya vitamin is designed for children 3-15 years. If your child is less than three years old, it's advisable not to give this vitamin to your children. This chewable tablet may cause a choking hazard for young children.

When Is The Best Time Of Day To Give Your Child Their Vitamin?

Experts recommend taking the Hia vitamin with a meal; it can be breakfast or dinner. But if you forget to give the vitamin tablet to your child without a meal, there is no risk as well.

How Do I Cancel My Subscription?

Canceling a Hia vitamin subscription is very simple. You can do that any time by contacting their support team, “support@hiahealth.com” or just logging in to your account and changing the subscription settings.

Who is The Supplier?

“Hiya Health Products LLC” is the supplier of this multivitamin. Currently, they are shipping the vitamins only United States only. If you purchase the subscription through its official site, you’ll get a 30 days vitamin with a refillable bottle. Then after every 30 days, the company will send 30 days vitamin to your address as long as you don’t unsubscribe from the package.


It is obvious that you want to ensure all the nutrition, vitamins, and minerals for your child. It might not be possible for you to provide your child with all the vitamins and nutrition through food, fruits, and vegetables. Here comes the Hiya vitamin as an effective solution for you.

In my Hiya review, I've shown you how this multivitamin is going to help in the betterment of your child's health. The best thing about this vitamin tablet is all the nutrition and vitamins that contain it are from organic fruits and vegetables.


Hiya Review

Buy Now
Where to order Hiya Vitamins

Hiya is a subscription-based children’s vitamin service provider that delivers natural and sugar-less Hiya vitamins. The reason behind its immense popularity is it contains all the necessary minerals and nutrition that your children need in their diet.

Safety 10
Value for Money 10
Ease of Use 9
  • It’s made of fresh and organic fruit and vegetables.
  • The tablet is naturally sweetened with monk fruit.
  • Free of harmful drugs and preservatives.
  • Need to subscribe to the monthly subscription plan
  • A bit pricey.

Michael Montoya

Hello, this is Michael Montoya. I’m the owner of this site “thegadgetians” which will let you know about all the newest smart tools & gadgets for your home, kitchen, health, automobiles, and other necessary daily needed tools. By profession, I’m a businessman and research writer. I love to write about the things that I deal with on a daily basis. Here on this site, I’ll share my views and experience about these smart tools and gadgets.

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